Colleen McDiarmid is a qualified teacher specializing in the field of Remedial Education and Diagnostic Assessments and designing and implementing remedial interventions for learners. Colleen is the major shareholder in Inkwazi Learning Network and is actively involved in all aspects of the business.
Colleen ran her own Remedial Centre in Sunward Park, Boksburg for 15 years before re-locating to Kwazulu-Natal in 2012. She has had considerable exposure to the Outcomes Based Education system used in both Government and Independent Schools and works closely with teachers, parents and other therapists.
In the remedial teaching environment she uses formal assessment tests, informal testing (in the classroom situation) and observation to ascertain levels of competence and to provide and design appropriate intervention.
Colleen in a registered Assessor and Moderator with the ETDP SETA.
Russell McDiarmid has been closely involved with the roll-out of Outcomes-Based Education and Training in South Africa since 1997. He served on a Standards Generating Body, a National Standards Body (NSB) 08 representing small training providers (APPED – Association of Private Providers) until the disbandment of all NSBs by SAQA in April 2005 and was Vice Chairperson and Board member of a Sector Education and Training Authority (SETA).
He coordinated the establishment of the Security SGB under NSB 08 and was appointed as the Chairperson of this body. He participated in the writing of the first unit standards for the security industry, a majority of which have since been incorporated into the Learnerships that have been subsequently developed for the industry. He chaired a Learnership Working Group for POSLEC which fast tracked the implementation of the first Learnership for the security industry during 2004.
He served on the steering committee that led to the establishment of the POSLEC SETA (now SASSETA) and was appointed the first Vice Chairperson of the SETA board. He was the project leader responsible for the submission of the first Sector Skills Plan to the Minister of Labour for the sector.
He facilitates a variety of Outcomes-Based training workshops, assists various companies with their Workplace Skills Planning programmes and conducts external Moderation and Provider monitoring for a number of SETAs.
Russell is a registered Assessor, Moderator and Verifier and is registered with the ETDP, SERVICES, SASSETA, HW SETA, PSETA and FASSET SETAs.
Inkwazi Learning Network is a Level 4 BEE Company. We are committed to Black Economic Empowerment and have entered into a number of joint ventures with competent and well qualified Associates. We have Associate agreements with of a number of PDIs who have established their own companies. Through these agreements they are provided the opportunity of growing their businesses.
Although Inkwazi Learning Network is an SMME, our permanent staff, Licensees, and a network of professional sub-contracted Associates who are engaged on a project basis, provides us with the capacity to handle large contracts and National tenders.
Inkwazi Learning Network is a fully accredited training provider with the ETDP SETA and is certified as an ISO 9001:2015 by QAS International
Mobile: 083 500 3110
Accreditation Number:
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